Thursday, January 12, 2006

Chicago dogs...

Things I was told you must do while visiting Chicago, one was to eat Chicago pizza and hot dogs. My family will NEVER believe me that I ate a hot dog much less how they make them in Chicago so yes, I took a picture. This hot dog had mustard, relish, tomatoes, cucumber, onions, and one large pickle (my personal favorite) I opted out of the hot peppers . Just in case you are wondering, no I have not changed my mind on hot dogs... and don't plan on eating another one anytime soon.

Oh and big thanks to Kate for letting me borrow her camera phone for the snap shot. Metal note: remember to get the battery for my camera out of the charger. :o)


nyaque said...

I understand you. when I went to England the first thing I wanted to do was eat the typical fish and chips, but my favourite was roast chicken, I love it!! mmmmmmm...

kisses from spain

Raven said...

I dind't know you were here in Chicago. I see you are already in good hands, Portillos was an excellent choice! They used to have awesome Italian beef, but not so much anymore. Make sure to go to Woodfield Mall on I-90 if you want to do some shopping. :)

Phil Romans said...

Well, there goes my suggestion for my local eatary- Zach's Hotdogs. Thats right, an entire store devoted to hotdogs.

Though I have to admit, out of all the hotdogs I have tried, the Chicago one is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

You actually ate it?! I'm in shock. Now, I believe you ate the pickle but I need eye witness proof that you ate the hotdog. Love ya sis.

Mind Trip Writer said...

I agree with Stephaney! Did you actually have someone take your picture eating the hot dog... uh NO. The pickle part is believable but the hotdog remains to be seen...