Thursday, January 05, 2006

Oh Happy Days!

Today marks the turning point of many things for me. There have been so many factors that have made a huge impact on me I will try to keep the list to the main details. (Not listed in any particular order.)

  • * This is probably the only time I haven’t been able to find the “perfect” picture to take that would capture my feelings or thoughts to go with a post.
  • * One year ago today, I officially had a new life (like it or not) and began my journey to find myself in all the rubble.
  • * I have done more things by myself than I ever imagined possible.
  • * Found out the hard way who my friends and family were that truly loved me unconditionally.
  • * Learned that sometimes “forever” does not always mean that!
  • * People do change… and you can’t always count on it to be for the good.
  • * It’s not always easy to do the right thing or admit when you were wrong, but it is necessary if you want to become a better person.
  • * Just hanging around laughing with friends is the best way to mend a worn soul.
  • * Faith….. (When you learn what it means for yourself you will NEVER be without it!)
  • * My puppies are always right outside my door waiting to be snuck inside to keep me company on the nights I just can’t seem to find sleep.
  • * I have come to terms we will never be fully satisfied with ourselves. There will always be one more thing we will want to change. No sense of putting your life on hold waiting for the transformation.
  • * Having best friends that are also your family is a blessing that can not possibly be described by words.
  • * I am fortunate enough to have more than one savior in my life! (I will never forget their faces when I told them they were.)
  • * It’s therapeutic to make a list of things you are proud of and learned. (It also brings back a ton of memories.)
  • * Traveling is so much fun, even if you go by yourself.
  • * Take your camera with you everywhere, it provides great proof. You never know when you are going to see something and think “they are not going to believe THIS!”
  • * Make friends with at least 2 crazy people, they will provide you with endless stories and laughs. (If they are reading this they will know who I am speaking of.)
  • * I have never gone looking for revenge, but I will say this if that one special person ever gets caught sneaking around on my property it will make for a VERY happy day!


Phil Romans said...

Good stuff. Congratz to you!

Here is hoping 2006 brings a lot of laughing, smiles, traveling, and a touch of love.

Mind Trip Writer said...

That's my Stacey... Mom loves you

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Wasn't that an interesting experience to go through explaining things to a stranger... Remember what's his name? Mr. I Want To Now Be Thrash... or was it Flash...? He he, what a kick. Love ya kid.

Stacey said...

OMG!!! YES... the kid changed his name to "DANGER"! Remember how hard it was for us NOT to giggle.
Oh and not to mention all the other poor souls we chuckled at trying to keep our minds off of the matter. :o)