Monday, October 23, 2006

Passionate and Brilliantly Complex

At first glace one may describe the outward appearance as calm, gentle maybe even confident on the surface. Just enough of the average ingredients so not to draw attention and stand out.

The wind carries through the trees a soft tender voice.
"Look further…"

You move closer to get a better view. Instantly, you get pushed back by an unseen force. Defenses have been raised to keep you away from intruding. Dark and insecure feelings of emotions surround you as you fight to pull back the layers. What is it that is being so closely guarded? Ahead an intense light pierces through the darkness. You work your way toward the light against the invisible force that now seems to be pushing you back. The ground turns to thick murky waters making it almost impossible to move forward. With every new step you manage to take you get ever so much closer. You fight to keep the darkness from engulfing you by willing yourself to only focus on the light. Struggling in this battle with an invisible enemy, you begin to wonder if the message was meant for you to hear. Your initial thought is to turn back.

The wind picks up returning the tender voice.
"Look further…"

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