Thursday, November 09, 2006

I'm Alive

Needless to say I have been very busy. Currently, I'm in Ireland. I will give you a VERY short teaser story and go into more detail when I'm at a computer that is not charging me $5.00 for 2 mins. (People that know me know I am spending a fortune just typing a few lines with my hunting and pecking skills.)

So I'm in Ireland.... we rent a car. Joy is driving for maybe 1 hour and then it happens.... WE THANKED GOD that we payed extra for car insurance. It seems in Ireland bushes in HUGE pots tend to jump out at rental cars terribly scraping the bumpers. (YES the bumper is totally popped out of place. I took over the driving from that point on. LOL

Many more stories to come with beautiful pictures. For now I'm off on another journey so I can have PLENTY of stories to tell you later.



Aaron Joesph Polly said...

remember to drive on the right side of the road, or is it the left?! Good luck!

Aaron Joesph Polly said...

Okay, this is what you do. When you back starts to get sore you buy another backpack, split the load, and wear it front a'ways. That's what I did and it worked well. Tough it out dude and you will reap the reward of memories for years to come. Enjoy!

Aaron Joesph Polly said...

Are you back yet?! Email, call, message me, whatever! dude....

Aaron Joesph Polly said...

Aaron Joesph Polly said...

Ummm, are you still there?! Any pics from your trip buddy?! sheesh...Happy Holidays!
