Dear Prince,
Do not wake her with a kiss. Her story has long been told. You have set out on this quest captivated by the urge to rescue her. Now you stand before her and you are drawn to her beauty.
Her enemies captured and destroyed the dearest parts of who she was leaving just a shell of a body. Her eyes were open and awake but her emotions shut off to the cruel world around her.
Will your act of heroism in a saving kiss be her demise?
While you would see the need to save her…. She has already saved herself.
Long ago she found her escape to this peace. She laid her head down, closed her heart and then her eyes and left this world.
The tranquil, beautiful, angel that lies before you is protected from a world where her enemies once posed as loved ones. In her peaceful rest she has cut herself off from the pain.
If you wake her will you give her the hopes of dreams that were never meant to be?
Dear Prince, I beg you … do not wake her with a kiss!