Friday, February 24, 2006

Urban hideaway

Everyone needs their own place to go to step away from reality.

Monday, February 20, 2006

New Growth

It's strange how something as simple as a date could hold so much meaning. Looking back today at where I could have been verses where I actually landed is almost mind boggling. The reflection of the person of whom I once was has almost become a figment of my imagination; replaced by a blank canvas of endless possibilities.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


When you finally decide to stop will there be anyone left waiting?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I got “tagged” by Anjaan the other day, while I know I can’t top his list I’m going to attempt to at least complete this task. Normally, I would not do the whole chain mail thing this one I figured I could put a twist on. While I’m not going to tag other people I’ll put the rules out so you’ll know what they are. (Even though I’m not really going to follow them.)

The Rules of the game are:
1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.
2. You need to mention the sex of the target.
3. Tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their comments saying they’ve been tagged.
4. If tagged the 2nd time, there’s no need to post again.

Here’s the part where I make this thing mine. I know it really doesn’t matter to anyone else what I want in a “perfect lover”, nor do I necessarily believe that he is out there. I’ve decided this was a good day to help out the guy friends in my life who are looking for a lady. So men read carefully, I’m about to give you tips on at least 8 closely guarded secrets of what most women want.

1. A true Gentleman – Chivalry is not dead! The only excuse not to open a door for a lady is your arms are broke. Yes, this may be old fashioned, but people like the classics, think of it this way…. “new” Coke didn’t last long at ALL for a reason! Be respectful and kind, no matter whom maybe around. Look into her eyes to find out who she really is; you wouldn’t believe how close that is to her heart. Those guys that remember this will truly stand out and they don’t go unnoticed.

2. A Friend – A guy they can laugh with and talk to. You’re never too old to laugh at yourself or make someone else laugh. Most guys fear the dreaded “girl talk”, those that have mastered it know that women HAVE to talk things out. This point also will help in disagreements; it will lead to a much faster making up process.

3. Compliments – If you are thinking about her tell her. A lady doesn’t get tired of hearing sweet things even if it’s the same ones over and over again. That’s why they are called “sweet”. And Yes, for those of you who say “she already knows how I feel”, women like to be reminded, it’s a sort of check and balance thing.

4. Patience – Lord knows if you are going to be with any woman for any amount of time you are going to need this. We do thing COMPLETELY different than guys, get used to it.

5. Love – Everything about her. When I say this I think back to someone in my past that looked at me when I was really sick, hair all messy cause I had been laying down all day and told me how beautiful I was. Someone who can make a lady feel special is something that a woman never forgets.

6. Respect – Words are easy to speak, but one of the things in life that can’t be taken back. Keep that in mind the next time you speak to the one you care about.

7. Someone who appreciates the little things in life - Long walks, reading the Sunday paper in bed, football games, hanging out with friends, late night movies, family, rainy days, soft kisses, warm hugs, laughing so hard you cry, holding the one you love tightly in your arms and in return being held. (Just to name a few of my favorites.)

8. Honesty – A man who is not afraid to be himself and most importantly someone who you can trust.

I think all these and MORE are very much the responsibility of both people when you are in a relationship, with the exception of chivalry, to make it a lasting one! SO there you have it my thought on the subject. Anjaan, task completed.

Monday, February 13, 2006

My Man

It was hard for me to trade in my Toyota 4 Runner (A.K.A. “ My girl”). I really had no complaints other than I really did not like the radio in it and she was 6 years old. I set out to find a new truck that would capture my heart like she did. After many weeks of looking and reading reviews I came home with a new truck. Keep in mind that I can’t replace my girl …. I want you all to meet the new man in my life…….. My “Little Monster”.

Huge smiles go to my sister for making my parking sign as a surprise for me. Thanks seester!!

Friday, February 03, 2006


This is going to be one of those posts that only 3 people will get. To those people this one’s for YOU…… and yes, the key is in both pictures look carefully.