Monday, March 02, 2009

Break My Heart....

I was told not to be like the others who have been sent to India and come back with a million pictures of stray dogs. However, when I saw this I could not pass this photo up. All the stray here are so frail and pathetic looking, but this little guy rested up against a McDonald's trash can made irony come to life.
I have seen a variety of begging from children, elderly, handicap but this one took me back and really made me think. This woman had a bran new baby and was standing in the middle of the road with cars flying past her trying to get someone to give her money. The one thing that stuck out to me was during all the horns blowing, the chaos of dodging cars, drivers screaming at the woman while she begged people to listen to her plea for food for the child, the baby was peacefully asleep. At that moment I realized a higher being had that child shielded in a protective bubble that no earthly thing could break. Thoughts crashed through my soul about the life that this innocent child is faced with and how completely oblivious he was to it at this point. I struggled with the feelings that overwhelmed me. The world around this baby was literally pushing him away while I have never ached so badly in my entire life to wrap something up my arms .


Zawir Al-Hamidi said...

The people of India is the toughest human being in the world. They still can survive eventhough they faced a lot of conflicts. I love India.

bigmaim said...

i love your writing skills... you can make me cry and laugh in the same sentence!

Mind Trip Writer said...

Tug at my heart strings too . . . there but by the grace of God go us. Always remember that and count your blessings Love ya

Aaron said...

I wonder what Stacey has been up to? Hmmmm.......

Anonymous said...

Last one I'm done. Waiting on more!!!???