Thursday, December 29, 2005

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Monday, December 26, 2005

The Griswald's

What you see above is the result of 3 weekends of untangling the lights, testing every string, getting 2 ladders, one truck (to set the ladders in the bed of it to get higher in the grand oak), putting together 3 deer, 2 outdoor Christmas trees, a skiing Snowman, climbing trees, hanging an angel from a limb of the tallest oak and a Santa with his reindeer over the driveway, 5 trips to different stores for forty extension cords, replaced 18 fuses, and having to special order a larger circuit breaker and install it so the lights would stop tripping, (all that is missing is the partridge in the pear tree). Ok, so maybe we went over board on the lights!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Christmas morning I was woke up by excited squeals of “Santa was here…. SANTA WAS HERE!!” from my little niece. I opened one eye to see a little person jumping up and down excitedly at the foot of my bed. As my eyes were trying to bring her into focus I realized it was not even light outside. “Get up …. Get up Aunt Stacey come look!” As I sat up I heard another noise in the back ground. I thought to myself, “Is that…. No it can’t be”. I looked out my bedroom window and instantly confirmed what only moments ago I thought to be impossibly ironic. It was pouring rain outside. Why would I think that it was supposed to be cold instead of hot and raining on Christmas after all I do live in Florida!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


It doesn't happen very often, but it finally got cold enough to light the fireplace. From the moment the match is lit I am hooked. Instantly, I become sucked into a hypnotic state watching the flames dance on the logs. Wanting nothing more than to sit in silence with my thoughts and mesmerized by the fire.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Play Hookie

Why is it that Monday's always seem the most challenging day of the week? The first obstacle is just getting out of bed. As if going to work was not wonderful enough to look forward to, you have the morning traffic jams. Has everyone forgotten how to drive or are they just as anxious to get to work as I am? Then comes struggling through the day avoiding the certain “death by meetings” that awaits you. Just as the thought crosses your mind, “This day has got to be almost over!” you check the clock and it’s not even lunch time yet!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Will You Stand Out?

Do you have the courage to scream in a room filled with silenced people? Can your presence be felt by others without you ever speaking a single word? How will you continue to shine when darkness is engulfing all that is around you? Is it possible to stand out in a world that strives for conformity without losing a bit of yourself in the process? In the game that we play everyday of our lives will you take the easy path and become ordinary?

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Fire House

Every time a I see a fire station I think of this photo. I took this driving down the interstate while on vacation in VA.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Just Passing By

One of my favorite things to do is to go for a walk. It never fails, when I least expect something pops out at me. Normally, it's the things that most people just pass by without ever giving it a second thought, but for some reason those are the things that captivate me.