Sunday, May 21, 2006

Late Nights of the Sleepless Wander

Late nights, time passed by filling it with endless journeys never actually leaving the comfort of my bed. Cuddled up under the warmth of a big cozy blanket. The only part of my body left unprotected by the warmth is my head, which is laid upon a pile of pillows. A fan circles frantically above, ironically results in gentle wafts of air down upon me. Ever so softly working the strands of hair tucked from behind my ear, tickling my cheek as they are blown past to their final resting place in front of my eyes.

Staring out of the window at the darkened pasture. Moonlight peers threw the trees that rustle in the wind. Their limbs sway back and forth almost acting like a pendulum put into motion hypnotizing its audience.

The stage is set. Never can you put a pattern to your thoughts that will lead you to your journeys. Sometimes they are to the past, while others are just of the days events. Still some, though not yet happened, could be viewed as fantasies being worked out so one day they may become reality.

It’s only moments away, your mind will be leaving from your awareness of happenings outside your window to thoughts that begin to draw back the curtains leading you on your nightly quest. Where might tonight’s take you?

Monday, May 08, 2006

Reality Check….

* Can you lend a shoulder to a person going through a rough time if you didn’t like them in the past?

* Are you too concerned with what is on the other side of the fence that you do not see what is right in front of you?

* Do you set standards for others that you have no intention of following?

* Have you found your treasure, but set it aside for fools’ gold?

* Is it ever just black and white?

* Do you realize your own actions are what can make someone better than you?

* Have you ever proven to yourself you can accomplish something you never thought possible?
Do you remember how that moment made you feel?

* If you don’t know what you really want how can anyone else?

* Are you so scared to get hurt that you do not realize by blocking out the possibilities of pain you also block out the joy?

* Will you hold on to something when you should be letting it go?

* How many friends can you say that make you laugh when all you want to do is cry?

* Do you say you want something so desperately, but your actions portray a different story?

* Is there ever a time in life where you can truly put into words exactly how you feel?

* Do you cherish people in your life that you don’t have to say anything at all and they know what you are thinking?

* Are you prepared for the history you write today?

* Have you ever done something crazy just to say you did it?

* When you’re done playing, will it be your turn to be played?

* Should I continue???

Monday, May 01, 2006

The Hotel

Inside the Hotel they actually have waterfalls that flow into a lake and boats you can ride to take you to all the restaurants. (The lobby rises 100 feet with live palm trees, and exotic birds inside.)

Walking around outside the colors are so bright I can't wait to get a moment to take more pictures.
The view from the balcony is unreal. I could get used to this.....