Monday, May 08, 2006

Reality Check….

* Can you lend a shoulder to a person going through a rough time if you didn’t like them in the past?

* Are you too concerned with what is on the other side of the fence that you do not see what is right in front of you?

* Do you set standards for others that you have no intention of following?

* Have you found your treasure, but set it aside for fools’ gold?

* Is it ever just black and white?

* Do you realize your own actions are what can make someone better than you?

* Have you ever proven to yourself you can accomplish something you never thought possible?
Do you remember how that moment made you feel?

* If you don’t know what you really want how can anyone else?

* Are you so scared to get hurt that you do not realize by blocking out the possibilities of pain you also block out the joy?

* Will you hold on to something when you should be letting it go?

* How many friends can you say that make you laugh when all you want to do is cry?

* Do you say you want something so desperately, but your actions portray a different story?

* Is there ever a time in life where you can truly put into words exactly how you feel?

* Do you cherish people in your life that you don’t have to say anything at all and they know what you are thinking?

* Are you prepared for the history you write today?

* Have you ever done something crazy just to say you did it?

* When you’re done playing, will it be your turn to be played?

* Should I continue???


Mind Trip Writer said...

Yes continue, it may be good therapy, you know we all need it.

Anonymous said...

U never cease to amaze me~! Way to go gurl! :)

Loner said...

Hey Stacy, I really liked your Reality Check questions...
Keep it up.