Thursday, February 19, 2009

Magic Carpet

These guys were TOTAL salesmen.... I went shopping the other day and came upon this store that is filled with hand made carpets. when I walked in I was instantly greeted by 4 men asking what I liked and thought was pretty... "please sit down sit down WE will bring you all the carpet no need to walk around". Needless to say they did too EVERY SINGLE last carpet they had!! LOL They begun showing you how they make their carpets and why their are better than anywhere else you may go. A cup of hot tea was presented for me to sip on while I sat back and watched the presentation began. One after another they came out with these carpets held high in front of their chest then just let them roll out of their hands making a loud THUMP as the carpet hit the floor and rolled out the rest of the way for you to see it in it's entirety. It was an attention grabber each time and TRUST me they did it every time. It made for one heck of a presentation. The end of the carpet that they were still hold they would move it up and down to show the richness of the colors and how the carpet appeared to change colors as they moved it around. Simply because of how they tied the knots in the carpet when it was turned it would show the grain of the carpet in a different manner, but the guy was serious when he said to me "no it changes color because that's what makes a magic carpet"!

1 comment:

Mind Trip Writer said...

Ok these are intriguing, I really like magic carpets. I can picture myself riding one. How hard would it be to bring one back for the treehouse? You LOL No I'm serious. . . really. . . why are you still laughing.