Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Street Vendors

I pass this lady everyday on my way to work. She looks pretty old and is always sitting down working feverishly on something. She has all her treasures spread out along the side of the street selling everything from fresh fruit and vegetables to pottery. I would love to stop by one day when I am not heading to work to buy a piece of her pottery or at the very least get a picture of her up close.
This is a common problem in many of my pictures that I am trying to avoid. Since I work and nights and sleep the days the only available time, during the weekdays, to take photos of the outside world is on the way to work from the inside of the car. I dislike the fact that in quiet a few of my pictures you can clearly see that I am in a car however, this one I had you show.

This CRAZY man and many like him take their life into their hands when they push their street carts to their next location. This two lane road that already has THREE vehicles horizontally next to us and motorcycles squeezing in and out of the barely visible spaces that are created from nowhere now has this man casually strolling along avoiding cars, like mine, that look like they are going to run him over at any moment. His defensive tactic to stay alive you maybe wondering..... please sit down for this. Like you see in the photo, if he thinks a car is getting to close or about to hit him he just sticks out HIS ARM as if it has some magical powers to stop and move the cars. Literally the only thing between this man, his cart and death by vehicle is his ARM!!!!!!!
Morale of this picture....
Can of Soda - 25 rupies
Nice Spicy Dinner - 1100 rupies
Power of street vendor's sticking out their arm in India - PRICELESS!

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